Sunday, November 7, 2010

Falling Into October

October was a busy month! Here are some of the happenings around Wallace last month, along with some photos to share!
  • Students who had shown outstanding behavior for the first six weeks were invited to attend Fun Friday. We had an assembly with music, slide show, and teachers competing in "Minute to Win It" games for the students in the audience! Students also had an extra recess (with popsicles, of course!). We will hold Fun Friday every six weeks to reward students who consistently exhibit STARS expectations: S-Safety First; T-Treat everyone with respect, A-Attitude is everything, R-Responsible for your own actions, S-Strive for your personal best!

  • FAIR DAY-Students and teachers had a school holiday on Monday, October 11 and received a free ticket to the State Fair of Texas. I went and enjoyed a corny dog and cotton candy!
  • LHAEC PTA toured Wallace for their annual Preschool PTA Tour. I'm sure they agreed "Wallace is the perfect place to be!" after seeing the school, staff, and students,
  • The annual Wallace Family Picnic had a huge turn out!! It was great to see so many families enjoying visiting with other families and watching our 3rd and 4th grade students perform a PE routine. The LHHS Wilcat Wranglers also came and performed (which was special for me since my youngest daughter , Katy, was a captain a few years ago!)
  • Ms. Jackman got engaged! I was fortunate to be in on the big surprise with her fiancee, Travis. He propsed to her and her students from last year and this year helped with the celebration. It was truly joyful! Congratulations, Ms. Jackman!

  • The Reflections Art Contest had over 180 entries this year! I was so proud of the students who created visual artwork around the theme "XXX" We had over 30 entiries going on to the next level of competition. Go Wallace!
  • The PTA had a delicious Soup Luncheon for the staff this month. We are SO fortunate to have such a supportive PTA who spoils our staff!

  • Kindergarten Halloween Costume Parade was precious. Also, all Wallace teachers were great sports and dressed as their favorite book characters! Who said we can't have fun and learn at the same time?
  • The annual Pumpkin Parade had a large amount of very creative entries this year!

Whew! It's hard to believe it's already November. I'll be sure to update you again soon! Until then~